Friday, May 18, 2007

Pimping Out Ubuntu: Enlightenment Engage Dock

From time to time we all need to admit to our faults in life. One of mine is that I love the way a MAC OS desktop looks. Another one, is that I love Apple's integrated Program Dock.

I've been personally using ObjectDock by Stardock on my PC for almost a year now, and I think it's the bees knees. It keeps my desktop tidy, while offering plenty of space for all of my bit torrent downloads. It can be found here:

But, let's be honest here - while we're amongst friends and fellow pirates - I'm getting darn tired of paying for Bill Gates' bar tab supporting the Microsoft world. Knowing that most of you are too, and knowing that most of you have turned to the dark side of the Open Source OS, I offer the ability to pimp your desktop out, without much hassle:

Enlightenment Engage Dock

Rock out my little heathens.. Rock out indeed!

S. McG

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