Monday, September 19, 2005

Free PC to Phone Calls

A program called adcall lets you make free calls to anywhere in the world but there will be ads when you use the program. There is no spyware or adware but you can only talk for 10 minutes. There is two hacks that lets you remove ads and make calls for an unlimited number of minutes...

No ads hack

1. First go into the adcalls-->ads folder
2. Then delete everything in the folder
3. No more ADS, enjoy

Unlimited calling hack

1. First go into adcalls-->skin-->skin1 folder
2. Then right-click on timerDisplay.xsl and open it with notepad
3. Scroll to the bottom and look for "startclock(00,09,59);"
4. Now change that to "startclock(00,99,59);" or whatever you like
5. Now enjoy unlimited calls

You can download adcall here



Anonymous said...

I double confirm it does not work.
you get get balance to say whatever u want but I still get insufficient balance.. after I use up the free time.
-ur worst nightmare

Anonymous said...

workaround..each account gets like 85 minutes talk time right..
so get a catch all email address and keep making new accounts ;)